Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stereotypes on Canadians!

     Is it ironic or just a coincidence that I would choose this topic? I mean there is absolutely nothing that is hinting at the fact that I am Canadian on this page or even the title of the page itself, why would I choose this topic? Well I have to admit one thing... I AM CANADIAN...I hope I didn't give anyone a heart attack there.
     All joking aside, stereotypes are a huge problem in society today, and has been taken to such a point that it is a norm to stereotype other countries. For example, if we meet a person of German decent the first thing that pops into our mind is Nazi, it is true. The person will continue to introduce themselves but all you want to shout out is Nazi !!
     It is part now out of the norm if one does not make fun of the other, we feed off of the ridicule now. Comedy shows nowadays are based around the idea to ridicule the other. Most of the time it is based on nationality. The Hispanics are called "spiks", the French are considered "dirty", the Irish are always drunk, Asians are good at math, Haitians eat cats, these are the primary stereotypes that are generated for different countries and ethnicities.
     Some of the many stereotypes that I hear often abooot Canadians are: we live in igloos, eat pancakes, love maple syrup, ride polar bears, are extremely polite and say sorry to everything, everyone plays hockey, we club seals, wear thick sweaters, etc. Calling people different stereotypes is a norm that will exist for an eternity, they might innovate in the number of stereotypes but they will never go away. It gives a sense superiority to the person that gives the remark.

     Continuation by request of Leigh Sàde...

     These stereotypes do not go on unheard, the victims of the stereotyping usually hold on to the anger that is within them.
 “Even after a person leaves a situation where they faced negative stereotypes, the effects of coping with that situation remain,” says Inzlicht from the University of Toronto, “People are more likely to be aggressive after they’ve faced prejudice in a given situation. They are more likely to exhibit a lack of self control. They have trouble making good, rational decisions. And they are more likely to over-indulge on unhealthy foods.” (Inzlicht, University of Toronto, 2011)
     The effects of stereotyping can be severe, as it is stated one can make horrible decisions by eating unhealthy or worse, committing suicide (topic reference!!). Suicide is one of the many "sideffects" that stereotyping has to offer, and seems to be the "only way out" for those victims as they percieve it. The thing is it is not the only way out, there is family, psychiatrists, and other institutions that can help rehabilitate the ones that are deeply affected.
     I am not saying that calling a hispanic a spik is going to cause them to go suicide, but it will have some lasting effects.

-p.s. They probably want to chop your ignorant, selfish, capitalistic head off instead. (just kidding)



  1. David, I enjoyed your blog. I even heard your voice as I read it. I just feel like it ended too quickly. As a fan of all that is David, I WANT MORE. Maybe you could've cited some bad effects of stereotyping. I feel like this is a wonderful beginning.

  2. You're right all we can see these days is appearance we don't take time to get to know a person. Instead of letting the person introduce themselves we already have an opinion of them....btw I don't eat cats lol, so I understand your dislike of stereotypes.

  3. Ur little intro didn't hint at all that ur Canadian but we tend to judge someone of a certain race based on what others say like all Irish are always drunk.

  4. Wow! Great blog! I love the jokes! I completely agree that we tend to stereotype people instead of getting to know who they are. I like the examples that you gave. But I do wish that there was more to read because it was very interesting.

  5. david i almost did have a heart attack with news ( that your Canadian) and jokes like that hehehe:) lol just kidding. dont worry im ok;). by the way very good blog:)

  6. This is so true and it's really messed up because everyone isn't like the other people in their culture. So people should keep their mouths shut until the actually know the person. That's my opinion on this topic.

  7. I think its a coincidence. You had a smile up my face the entire time. I must state that though this stereotype might have bad effects such as death and discrimination, they also can be fun such as black people's love of chicken and kool aid.

  8. OH MY GOSH! I had a heart attack!! wow I really didn't see that coming. haha! Great blog, stereotyping can be funny, but other times it just negatively affects individuals.
